Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Branches Of Accountancy And Why We Need It

It has already been established that accounting is an ever evolving profession, and that with every development in the financial world or corporations and world economies, it's beginning to encompass almost all other professions. Many people across different fields are finding themselves increasingly dependent on the services and products rendered by accountants and accounting professionals.

Different users of accounting information will need different information and will use it for different purposes. As such, the field of accounting has the three major fields to answer those needs, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and Financial Management. While to non-accountants these terms are frustratingly similar, it is not so for the practitioners of the craft.

Financial accounting is preparing financial statements that summarize past transactions, which are usually as profit and loss accounts and balance sheets. These documents which are historic in nature are mainly to the interest of outside parties such as investors, providers of loans, and suppliers.

The second branch of accounting is Management Accounting, which is much more detailed information about the current and future planned events so that a company's managers can more effectively carry out their roles of planning, controlling, and making important decisions.

For example, under management accounting information, a company maps out how much a particular product costs to produce, as well as other relevant cost data that will be extremely relevant in making a choice to make a product or just buying it. Also included under this subgroup is the preparation and monitoring of a company's budgeted costs that relate to a product, activity, or service. Information produced by accountant managers is mainly used internally in the organization, and are rarely, if ever, disclosed to outside parties.

Finally, financial management is the process of raising finance; and how finance deploys in the various resources needed by a business or organization, and how to do this in the most efficient and effective way possible. Financial managers concern themselves with capital costs, capital structures and analyzing risks that come when companies undertake certain investments.

The three branches of accountancy services are deceptively simple in their descriptions, but as you probably now, there is more to accounting that just that. Under these broad accounting functions, there are further subsets of accounting that relates to one specific activity, or across a whole spectrum. These include the sub-fields of Treasury, Taxation, and Audit.

To summarize, the field of accounting is mainly defined as the classification and recording of monetary transactions, and how these records assess the company performance over a time as well as a company's financial position at a given date; and the monetary projection of future activities that arise from alternative planned courses of action, which managers and organization leaders based on information produced by respective accountants or accounting firms. It is a matter of finding out the many ways accounting can help you and your company prosper.

This news article is brought to you by DEPRESSION - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Where Do You Get Bookkeepers for Accounting Firms at Reasonable Rates?

You must be wondering why accountants would need bookkeepers. They are ideally supposed to do it themselves right? Well yes, but not entirely. It works the same way as doctors and nurses. Doctors are expected to know everything that nurses do but at the same time their attention is needed on cases that nurses are not trained to handle. For example, a doctor is trained to administer a vaccine and so is a nurse. But the nurse is not trained to 'prescribe' a vaccine.

Similarly, an accountant knows to maintain books and can manage it in the absence of a bookkeeper but a bookkeeper is not trained in accountancy. When accountants get new projects, they assign bookkeepers for the bookkeeping while they focus on accountancy tasks like preparation of final accounts and full fledged financial reports. This is the usual trend with CPA's and accounting firms alike.

But often it happens that professional bookkeepers are few in number. This not only makes them hard to get, but also makes their rates unaffordable. End of the day, accountants turn down new businesses for not having bookkeepers. Sad isn't it?

Wondering if there is a way out?

Luckily, there is. It is possible through outsourcing. Business Process Outsourcing today provide bookkeepers for accounting firms at cost effective rates. You must be wondering how people part with sensitive information such as accounts, but you would be surprised at the methods followed by BPO's to comfort such concerns.

Here are a few things they do.

Adopt a "No working for competitors" policy.
Sign a "Non-disclosure" agreement with employees
Allow only restricted internet access to employees
Have a policy where employees are not allowed to use mobile phones or data transfer devices such as pen drives, hard disks, CD's/DVD's.
Have strict entry/exit policy through Bio-metric fingerprint access.
Highly secure modes of data transfer.

Such measures have greatly minimized the fear of outsourcing and a lot more people have found relief in it. Accounting bookkeeping services are also being sought after a lot these days.

Outsourcing bookkeeping could be one of the best decisions for CPA's and accounting firms since they only stand to benefit. Bookkeepers for accounting firms at prices so low is too good a deal to miss. With this service in place, accountants can take on as many new clients as they get. They no longer have to worry about functioning like a doctor without a nurse's assistance.

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Corporate Taxation Tasks And Responsibilities

When you set up a company, you must inform the Tax Authority if it is subject to Corporation tax, pay any due tax expenses and file company tax returns. Most of the types of companies and organizations such as corporations, cooperatives, sole traders, members' clubs, limited liability companies and partnerships, are liable to Corporate taxes and therefore to the respective timeframes and requirements. Besides these, the local branches of multi-national corporations are also subject to Corporation tax.

Corporation tax requirements are separate and different from the company setup requirements. Company setup requirements are typically set by Commerce Chambers or some equivalent party, while Corporation tax specifications are set by the Tax Authority. Furthermore, regarding Corporation taxation, different requirements and specs apply in the case of an active company or an inactive one. Active are the companies which operate, engage in trading, produce and generate income while inactive are the ones that do not meet the aforementioned standards; either or all of them.

A Limited Liability company or Ltd as it is called, is a common way of doing business. It has similar requirements with Societies Anonyme (SA) in the setup process but it usually requires a smaller startup capital. In addition, although some procedures are the same with Corporations, Ltd is not recognized as a corporate company format in several countries. In spite of, Ltd companies are considered legal entities that do not bind their shareholders, members, partners or managers personally for Company obligations, unless otherwise stated by a court. Conversely, sole traders, partnerships, members' clubs and other forms of non Incorporated companies bind their shareholders and partners' personal assets and they are personally liable for their businesses' obligations as well.

Regarding Company taxation, both Ltd and SA are chargeable to tax, with similar processes and specifications. Once the company is setup, it needs to be registered in the Tax Authority so that it obtains a Tax Identification Number and thereafter pay Corporation taxes and submit Corporation tax returns within specified time limits. Corporation taxes include Pay As You Earn (PAYE) taxes and Value Added Taxes (VAT) as well. The good thing is that all these processes and payments can be done online since almost all countries have adopted advanced governmental electronic systems and operate in such ways in order to facilitate these procedures for the companies.

Besides the ease and convenience of the online electronic systems, there is also the option of outsourcing the Corporation tax duties along with all other accounting tasks to a tax adviser or an accountant. Most of the companies embrace this solution as it is both efficient and effective. They partner with an authorized adviser and they let him act on the company's behalf for tax and accounting related issues. Of course in such cases, the Tax Authority should be formally informed so that all the necessary and required activities are completed in line and on time as well.

This news article is brought to you by ASTHMA - where latest news are our top priority.

Looking for Cost-Effective CPA Bookkeeping Service?

Bookkeeping is that task most accountants despise since it is time consuming and less profitable compared to accounts. But it also happens to be unavoidable. So accounting firms and CPA's alike look for professional bookkeepers to do the job.

Now this can be hard to find given that professional bookkeepers are so few in number. Moreover their rates are a lot higher than average. End result- accountants take care of the bookkeeping themselves and take only a few clients. There are in fact many cases where accountants turn down new businesses for not having time to do the bookkeeping themselves. Sad isn't it?

Indeed. The bigger accounting firms can comfortably afford to keep professional bookkeepers and also provide them training if necessary. Sadly, this is not the case when it comes to CPA's or smaller accounting firms.

So you must be wondering if there is a cost-effective solution?

There is, and it lies in outsourcing. Business Process Outsourcing makes all services affordable and this also includes accounting bookkeeping services. Now it is alright to be apprehensive of divulging sensitive information such as accounts. But you must understand that outsourced tasks of such nature are treated with ultra high security.

Here are certain security measures followed at BPO's that do CPA bookkeeping and accounts related tasks

Restricted internet access

Employees have access only to certain websites which are related to their work. Chances of misusing client information is therefore greatly reduced.

Data transfer through secure portals

BPO's have a highly secured online file transfer system which uses 128-bit encryption protocols. The clients are provided with an exclusive account in the system and separate storage area. They only have to log in and upload the data. They would be receiving data from the BPO through the same means.

Highly secured work atmosphere

High security infrastructural elements such as security cameras monitoring all major areas of the office are present. Entry into office is allowed only through Biometric finger print scanner. "No cameras or mobile phones" inside work area is another security measure they follow and data transfer devices such as pen drives, hard disks, DVD's and CD's are banned.

This is the kind of infrastructure and work policy needed when handling information as sensitive as accounting and bookkeeping. It is important to see that the BPO you choose to outsource your bookkeeping to adhere to these security measures.

By making the decision to outsource you could get access to cost effective CPA bookkeeping. This can be a lifesaver decision provided you choose a credible BPO.

This news article is brought to you by DISABILITY - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Does Your Small Business Need an Outsourced Financial Controller?

Many small business owners launch their business to follow a passion, whether that passion is writing, programming, Web design, art, sound & video, or any number of other industries. Your business begins to grow by word-of-mouth and soon, you're hiring employees or independent contractors to take over part of your responsibilities rather than doing it all yourself.

Somewhere along the line, you grow large enough to hire a small business bookkeeper. Until now, you've managed your books yourself, either through QuickBooks or another bookkeeping software, or some system that you've devised yourself. Now, you've just gotten too big for this system to work anymore.

You hire a bookkeeper who understands financial accounting software and can manage your books on a full-time or part-time basis. This person could be an in-house employee, or maybe a local contractor. Or maybe you're one of the growing number of smart business owners who hires an outsourced bookkeeper based in the U.S. who works virtually and communicates with you via phone and email.

Things go along well, but now that you're not doing your own books anymore, you feel a bit out of touch with your company's broad financial picture. Your bookkeeper can send you the reports and spreadsheets, but it doesn't always make sense. You need someone to interpret all those numbers in boxes for you. Most importantly, you've grown large enough that you need a trusted financial advisor with the knowledge to help you make the best decisions for your rapidly growing business.

If you know anything about financial controllership, you might think a full-time financial controller comes with a 6-figure salary. And you're probably right. Your business doesn't have the budget for that -- and it's not what you need anyway.

You just need someone on a part-time basis to review your books with you monthly, provide checks-and-balances for your in-house or outsourced bookkeeper, and help you with financial planning and budgeting on a monthly or quarterly basis.

If you think you can't afford a financial controller, think again. Outsourced controllership services are less expensive than you may think, and will save your business money in the long run with better financial planning.

You may be concerned that, by hiring an outsourced controller, you'll be giving up "control" of your company. That couldn't be further from the truth. A financial controller provides you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your company -- but all decisions remain yours.

A financial controller doesn't "control" your business. As a trusted advisor, he gives you the information you need to be more in control of your company.

This news article is brought to you by DEPRESSION - where latest news are our top priority.

Choosing the Right Accountant Firm to Help Your Business Succeed

Many start-up firms are launched by entrepreneurs who try to handle the financial side of the business themselves. However, even the best bookkeeping software does not compare to the services offered by a professional accountant firm.

When people start out in business, it can be fairly easy to keep track of the books, although it soon becomes obvious that trying to juggle accounts and taxes with all the other aspects of running a business is no easy task, even with specialised software. While some firms may take on an extra member of staff to handle this side of things, most will outsource the work to a professional accountant firm.

The best firms are those offering a broad range of services, which can be customised to suit the client's needs as things change. For example, it's common for sole traders, somewhere down the line, to go into partnership together, or establish themselves as a limited company. An accountant firm that specialises in personal tax returns and business start-ups, but also offers an expert service in VAT registration and corporate tax returns, is the ideal find.

For many entrepreneurs, the switch from paid employment to running their own business is a gradual one, with the new enterprise being run on a part-time basis until it's time to leave the security of regular employment and go it alone. This can be an exciting and stressful time, and hiring the right accountant - one you can build a long business relationship with - is paramount to success. Who you use will be key to your financial future, so it's essential you find a firm with a proven track record of helping small businesses, with plenty of experience in the services you need. This doesn't have to stop at book-keeping and yearly tax returns; a good accountant firm will also help with long-term tax and business planning, networking, secretarial services and more.

Some new business owners may feel it's worth having a part-time accountant or bookkeeper from the word go, which offers the benefits of continually updated books and regular finance reviews. The alternative is sending everything off to an accountant firm at the end of the tax year. However, many new businesses simply don't have the finances to employ extra members of staff, and sourcing to an outside agency offers them a host of benefits. For a start, the service generally costs less than employing someone in-house, and the level of service is a lot higher. A good accountant firm will have a highly professional team of certified, licensed experts who are familiar with all aspects of tax law. In the case of accounting software, the firm will be able to maintain secure books online, with advanced software developed in-house. The charges may vary according to the level of complexity and personnel involved, but with a good accountant at the helm, a business will always recoup those fees with the tax savings which are made.

Overall, entrusting your business finances to a top-tier accountant firm, offering a range of services, is the fastest way to commercial success.

This news article is brought to you by EMOTIONAL-FREEDOM-TECHNIQUE - where latest news are our top priority.

Financial and Operating Leverage in Uncertain Economies

Operating Leverage and Financial Leverage can be paramount for a company to survive an economic downturn. High Financial and Operating Leverage are undesirable for a firm at any point, but are much worse in a time when revenues are declining. Financial Leverage increases when firms take on more debt, increasing their Liabilities. Higher Financial leverage increases a firm's risk because the firm has to pay back that debt, even if revenues have slowed or even stopped. Operating Leverage increases when a firm has larger amounts of Fixed Costs. Similarly to Financial Leverage, higher Operating Leverage increases the Breakeven Point for that company, which is troublesome especially in a slow economy.

In 2009, Chrysler, Ford and GM had high Financial and Operating Leverages and in that year, 2 were forced to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy. A brief snapshot of Ford and GM's financials show their high Financial Leverage:





Debt Ratio:





$ (6,520,000,000)




$ 136,860,000,000

Debt Ratio:



$ 107,900,000,000


$ 28,960,000,000

Ford had a Debt Ratio of over 103 percent the year the company filed for bankruptcy; GM had a Debt Ratio of over 78%. All three of these corporations had high operating leverage resulting from large fixed costs, partly from compensation of employees, including pensions and retirement plans. As the economy slowed from 2007 to 2009, The Big Three were in serious trouble as revenue streams dried drastically increasing their vulnerability. The companies began two realize that they would not have enough Working Capital to keep afloat and all three had to receive outside funding (Chrysler and GM from the bailout and Ford from a line of credit).

More than three years removed from the bailout of Chrysler and GM, have the Big Three learned from their mistakes? So far, it appears that both Ford and GM have lowered their risk and Financial Leverage.




$ 178,350,000,000

Debt Ratio:



$ 163,280,000,000


$ 15,070,000,000




$ 144,600,000,000

Debt Ratio:



$ 105,610,000,000


$ 38,990,000,000

Both Ford and GM improved their Debt Ratio. Ford lowered their ratio close to twelve percent while GM lowered theirs more than 5 percent. This has decreased their financial vulnerability if another global anomaly happens to decrease demand within their industry and revenues suffer because of this.

Both Ford and GM have also made strides to decrease their Fixed Costs, which will make their Operating Leverage more desirable. Cost of Goods Sold for both companies has decreased since 2009. Ford's ratio of Cost of Goods Sold to Revenue (COGS/Revenue) decreased from 85.72 % in 2009 to 79.20% in 2011. The same ratio for GM decreased from 107.45% in 2009 to 87.78% in 2011. Since it is unlikely that there has been any significant advances in machinery or technology that drastically reduce production cost on a per unit basis, it seems that both corporations have found a way to lower their fixed costs, bettering their Operating Leverage. It is unknown if Chrysler has fared better or worse, post-bailout, as it is a private corporation and their financials are not made public.

With economic uncertainty a challenge facing all businesses, it seems that Ford and GM have learned from mistakes they have made in the past. They have been able to reduce the risk in which they operate as well as change their operational model in order to better satisfy demand. Both Ford and GM have changed the types of cars that they produce, moving to more economical and fuel-efficient models that are in demand, increasing revenues in both companies. It should also be noted that the increase in units sold and revenue can be, at least partially, attributed to the fact that many consumers are less afraid of buying Chrysler, Ford and GM models because there is a smaller chance that their car will be orphaned; meaning that their car's manufacturer will go out of business and the customer will not be able to get service or parts for their car.

No one can predict future. Revenue for The Big Three could skyrocket, plummet or fall somewhere in between the two in the next few years. Regardless of what happens, they have taken significant steps to assure that they will be protected from the mistakes that they have made in the past by decreasing their risk when they made efforts to lower their Liabilities and Fixed Costs to improve their Operating and Financial Leverage, as well as creating products that better satisfy the needs of potential customers. Hopefully, these business strategies will keep these American companies in business and American workers out of the welfare office.

This news article is brought to you by ACUPUNCTURE - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Document Management Solutions

It is imperative for all businesses to have a document management system to file, store and monitor all paper and electronic documentation. A good system should flawlessly merge with the current system and should also have the ability to control access permissions and security. The system basically provides security, metadata, versioning, storage, distribution, retrieval and indexing capabilities.

Security can be implemented by having all the documents and files assigned specific user group settings and permissions. Multiple versions of the document can be created and you can even keep track of users who have edited or viewed a document. Metadata also referred to as data capture, will include the date and identity of the user who initially stored the document. It helps users to search for documents by using specific keywords.

Some systems implement optical character recognitions on electronic or scanned documents. Indexing keeps track of documents by offering a simple and efficient classification via the document's metadata or word indexes derived from the contents of the document. It is put in place to ensure easy retrieval of information by having an index topology. Storage includes document information like the location stored, period of storage; changes made to the document etc. Retrieval from storage can be done by use of specific search keywords. Some systems can allow one to search for a document by using key phrases or multiple keywords that can be found in the contents of the document. These features are very important for every business to have, especially one that heavily relies on security of sensitive data and accuracy.

A good document management system should save every edit and version of documents, and effectively showing the life cycle from creation to disposal. If there are any documents that need to be erased, it should securely erase the information according to your company's disposal standards. Most systems have the ability to hold emails for a specific period of time. This can be quite handy when the business receives a lot of emails in a day. Retrieval of emails is secure, efficient and fast, especially when you are looking for a specific email.

A document management system offers various solutions to any business which increases productivity and efficiency by optimizing business processes. When looking for document management experts, you should look for an established firm whose professionalism can be determined by their current clientele.

You should work closely with the experts in order to identify your business' current and future needs. Get a list of document management firms that you would like to work with and then compare the cost and services offered. Choosing a complete and right document management solution has optimal benefits for the whole organization.

The service provider should be well experienced to determine future market situations and specific needs of different companies. Small businesses lack in house experts to consult for the right solution that should be implemented to meet all needs. This means that the service provider should not only offer the business the system, but also maintenance and technical support.

This news article is brought to you by DATING AND RELATIONSHIP ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

As a Stakeholder, What Are Your Rights and Responsibilities?

The investors who invest money in any firm are called as the stakeholders or shareholders.

The main purpose of investing money in any firm is to gain income by way of getting regular dividends and by virtue of increase in growth in the investment. However, during certain situations, the investors are not able to derive the benefits as expected from the companies on account of many reasons.

As a stakeholder in a company, he should be in a position to know his rights:

· To receive the share certificates on allotment or transfer as the case may be within the scheduled time; (However, this procedure is applicable to the share certificates delivered in physical formats according to the procedure adopted years back and nowadays, the details of investments are made available to the investors through electronic mode called as dematerialization formats. Even now some investors prefer to receive share certificates in physical formats).

· To receive the copies of the abridged annual reports, the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and the auditor's report;

· To participate and vote in the various general meetings either in person or through proxies;

· To receive the dividends as and when approved in the annual general meetings;

· To get the corporate benefits namely; the rights, bonus etc. once approved;

· To make an application to the company law board towards directing the company to convene the annual general meetings as and when due;

· To conduct inspection of the books of accounts during the general meetings and to receive copies thereof;

· To proceed against the company by way of civil or criminal proceedings in case of necessity;

· To apply for the winding up of the company and

· To receive the residual proceeds, if any.

Apart from the rights as mentioned above, the investor also enjoys as an individual shareholder the following rights as a group namely;

· To call for an extra ordinary general meeting;

· To demand a poll on any resolution;

· To apply to the company law board towards investigating into the affairs of the company and approach the company law board for getting appropriate relief in the case of oppression and/or mismanagement.

In the case of debenture holders, who had invested in the debt instruments, they have the following rights namely;

· To receive the interest/redemption amount on due date;

· To receive a copy of the trust deed on request;

· To apply for winding up of the company in case the company fails to pay its debt and

· To place before the debenture trustee his grievances, if any.

The stakeholder should also keep in mind that the abovementioned rights may not necessarily be absolute. For example, the rights available to the stakeholders for transferring the securities are subject to the company's right to refuse the transfer in case of any violation of rules and regulations.

Apart from the various rights as mentioned above, the stakeholders have certain responsibilities namely;

· To remain informed; be vigilant; participate and vote in general meetings and

· To exercise the rights on their own or as a group keeping in mind their own interest and more specifically the interest on the growth of the company.

This news article is brought to you by TRAVEL-AND-LEISURE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Online Bookkeeping: An Idiot-Proof Method of Keeping Your Business Records

The process of keeping books repeatedly and correctly requires tons of time and manual effort. Online bookkeeping is the new trend that big and small businesses are using to save time and avoid physical and mental exhaustion. This form of bookkeeping is performed on the internet using accounting software. To grow your small business quickly, you might want to follow the same trend. It is clearly cheaper to use software than to hire an employee who might demand high hourly rates. Without proper understanding of basic accounting functions you might take slightly longer to understand how these web-based software programs operate.

Even so you should not give up since there are online bookkeeping companies that you could hire. They work on the basis of outsourcing, meaning that they form an agreement with a customer. If you want to purchase a program, and then have one of these companies use it to keep your books, it is okay. However, you will be spending money twice since online bookkeepers have their software options ready. Since they are specialized in keeping books, they are aware of the best accountancy software than you do. They do give you an opportunity to pick the program you want among a number of them.

If you do not find what you want you can request your online bookkeeping company to provide it. Internet outsourcing firms are completely easy to work with. Their working mechanism is idiot-proof and flexible. The first thing they want you to do is to scan required documents and upload them to a secure server. Some online bookkeeping service providers will give you a bonus means of uploading documents, such a toll-free fax number. After doing this you can put this task to one side and allow your bookkeeper to do the rest. As soon as you upload necessary documentation a certified expert will log onto the website of the accounting software manufacturer.

If, for instance, you prefer your contractor to use QuickBooks, they will open QuickBook Software site and enter. They will update your books, log out and notify you. When you access the site you will review completed work. Online bookkeeping is as simple and quick as I have explained above. Do you still doubt this method? If you have not tried using internet-based bookkeepers previously, you might feel rather doubtful about it. Nevertheless, you should try so as to unlock time for other activities. Online bookkeeping is preferred mainly because of the error free and quick results.

It cannot be compared with the manual record keeping in terms of speed, cost and accuracy. Furthermore, there are many software products to choose from as well as many accounting firms that are ready to provide inexpensive services. Regardless of all these benefits, you should pay attention to the security and privacy of your data. Remember that it is exchanged on the web, where anyone can read it. As you choose the best Online Bookkeeping company, be sure to ask about the data encryption techniques applied to protect confidential information. Examples of data encryption tools include paid Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Proxies.

This news article is brought to you by GAMBLING TIPS, STRATEGIES - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pick Your Bookkeeper Services - Three Factors You Must Consider

Bookkeeping is an enduring task that stops when a business closes down. It is a daily affair that mainly entails regular recording of accounts receivable and accounts payable. Bookkeeper services can be necessary for your small business if it is becoming very busy nowadays. To avoid creating a backlog of work, you should assign a portion of it to an external bookkeeper. A quickly growing business requires speed and attention to detail and you may not offer that personally. Even if you recruit one employee, both of you will continue to pile work. Within a few weeks you will find it difficult to understand your business performance.

Bookkeeper services are very reliable and economical when provided by the right company. While there are individual bookkeepers who work on a freelance basis, your small company cannot afford them. Even though they operate from home and require no equipment from you, they have monthly salary limits to meet. Just like your salaried bookkeeper they will take a leave and pile your books when you least expect it. So the best bookkeeper services are provided by registered companies with several employees and adequate tools for work. The benefits of outsourcing work to a big, renowned company cannot be emphasized enough.

Rather than have your work done by one or two people, you can assign it to a large company. By doing this you will save time and money. Besides, a registered company has a dispute resolution system that guarantees your immunity if things go wrong. So where should you start? In order to find reliable bookkeeper services, there are three factors you should consider. They are enumerated as shown below.

Cost to be incurred - It is important to estimate the amount of cash you are likely to use every month. This will help you make a budget and allocate money from the working capital reserve. Since there are many service providers, you are likely to find attractive rates. Most offshore bookkeepers will give you a very attractive price range for your business.

Quality of work targeted - One of the main reasons why people use bookkeeper services is to explore better talent. It is therefore imperative to determine the level of quality you want before hiring any outworker. Quality is ensured by the skills and expertise possessed by the staff of outsourced service providers. So you should know the level of education and expertise possessed by the staff that is going to do your work.

Methods of delivery - Bookkeeping can either be done manually or automatically. These days many outsourced bookkeeper services are offered automatically via web-based software. This reduces human error and increases speed of delivery. If you have had a bad experience with particular software, you should inform the contractor you want to use. As a matter of fact you should get a list of software tools from your contractor so as to pick the one you want.

If you take the above tips seriously, you will pick the most appropriate Bookkeeper Services effortlessly. Choosing the right service provider is not debatable. If your pick the wrong company, you will surely waste time and money. On the other hand if you choose a trustworthy and dependable company, you will boost your business growth.

This news article is brought to you by DISABILITY - where latest news are our top priority.

Improving Your Financial Figures With Green Printing for Accountants

People spend a lot of money to earn their license as a professional and with green printing for accountants they can also earn more money from such a profession.

Introduce Yourself

There are many reasons why people would need the professional help of accounting experts. Any individual could need someone to assist him in tax return preparation. Any business might also need help with anything from bookkeeping to financial statement preparation, presentation and even government reports submission. Even government officials find it necessary to hire them to make sure the declaration of their assets, liabilities and net worth is accurate and complete. However, not all people understand what such a professional does. With green printing for accountants, one can easily take note of all of the information that ordinary people, businesses and government officials require. With green printing for accountants, the professional or accounting expert can help others better understand their job and the scope of their work with marketing tools that are informative and versatile.

Improve Your Reputation

The collapse of many financial markets has created bad publicity for financial experts, including those who are in the field of accounting. The public already has a bad impression about this group of professionals. They think that many people enrich themselves through fraudulent ways using their profession and expertise, leaving others in financial distress. However, with green printing for accountants the bad reputation can be corrected. One can easily enlighten the public of the real deal. With green printing for accountants, professionals can further gain trust and confidence among potential clients by emphasizing their credentials, their membership to professional organizations, as well as their connection to different charitable institutions. Sometimes, a religious affiliation can help establish their integrity, especially among clients who put value in faith and religious beliefs.

Expound on Your Services

People associate your job more on making financial statements, but they may also be glad to know that you can do external auditing for them, as well as help them prepare taxes and licences. You can also highlight the fact that you can cover accounting jobs for other industries with green printing for accountants. These jobs can include cost accounting, managerial accounting and all other administrative functions such as payroll processing. You may explain further that you can also do other jobs for them including financial analysis and even consultancy. People and businesses do not necessarily have to hire you to make sure their financial requirements are met. They can avail of your services through retainers, as well. Your expertise may even be necessary for lawsuits and filing of bankruptcy cases. You can also note in your green printing for accountants that you can assist in the documentation necessary to start businesses, even when it comes to franchising.

This news article is brought to you by AUTOMOTIVE - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Small Business Bookkeeping Software Is Now Available To All So Take It Up And Be In Control

If you are a small business owner, especially in this wobbly global economy, you have your work cut out. You have to ensure you apply for and get all the necessary insurances and licences relevant to your line of business. You may need to negotiate a favourable commercial lease, open a business bank account, purchase stock and equipment etc. This is before you even get your first customer! But you can help yourself to save on your costs by becoming your own bookkeeper and using a small business bookkeeping package.

Yes, the requirements above (and more) should keep you awake every night once you join the small business galaxy. But wait, there's more news to add to your headache: according to various studies your new company will not necessarily succeed. No, that's not meant to cast aspersions on your entrepreneurial abilities. In fact, you deserve an Oscar for establishing your own business in an environment where even those currently in employment (traditionally the 'safer' jobs) are worried about the threat of redundancy. When you are in charge of the company, therefore, it is even more important to keep good business accounts at all times. Then you will know what is going on in the firm. You will be in the best position to manage the flow of cash around the business to the best effect.

Accounting software is a cost-effective solution for how to manage your small business records, especially if you can neither afford to hire an accountant nor pay a bookkeeper. In fact you will be at a positive advantage if you take on doing the books yourself. It's understandable if you are initially uncomfortable with the idea of software doing your bookkeeping. Computer phobia combined with the fear of numbers means that many end up keeping complicated and bulky paper records. Also, we are used to seeing 'suits' do our accounts. We are used to paying them handsomely for their number crunching abilities. But this is 2012, and technology has come to make the life of a small business owner like you easier, particularly your financial life. Some software packages are so easy to use that once you have got up and running you will wonder why you didn't start years ago.

Basically, small business bookkeeping software should enable you to record all the transactions that come in to and go out of your company, and deliver your net worth. You should be able to see if your business owes any cash to creditors. You will need to be on top of what you are owed too, by any debtors. You may need to record the pay details for your employees, or your own drawings. Once you have added in all the data you should be able to get a trial balance which will then enable you to generate profit and loss statements as and when.

An overlooked advantage of keeping good business accounts, apart from complying with your legal responsibilities, is that should you either opt for a bank loan for expansion or sell your business to venture capitalists in future, they will demand to see the books. Furthermore, you don't need to be a geek like Bill Gates. As long as you are computer literate (or are willing to learn!) and keep items like receipts and update your data every day or at least once a week (and make backups of course) you will manage.

This news article is brought to you by COOKING MAIN-COURSE - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

What Tax Relief Is And How To Obtain It

Tax relief is a new term used mostly on the Internet. In the last few years, the tax settlement industry has flourished and competition to acquire clients is fierce online. When industries go through change or demand for products and/or services increase, new phraseology often times accompanies the change or growth within the industry.

Tax Relief, as a term, is one of the most highly used phrases online that taxpayers use to find tax professionals to solve their problems. The phrase "Tax Relief" really defines a goal, not a specific problem. The goal in the mind of the taxpayer is to put their tax problem behind them. When a taxpayer uses the phrase "tax relief" online, their problem usually entails payroll tax problems, unfiled taxes and/or years of accumulated back taxes, requests for an Offer in Compromise or a way to set up a payment plan with the IRS that is manageable and realistic for the taxpayer to afford. In some cases, taxpayers will use the phrase because they have committed fraud or another potentially criminal offense related to taxation. In these scenarios, it is important to know who to turn to for specific results.

In the case of fraud or another serious criminal offense, taxpayers are encouraged to contact an attorney that specializes in tax law in good standing with their state bar association. Many of these individuals have specialized education beyond the attainment of a Juris Doctorate (JD) and have also achieved a Master in Taxation (LLM). While tax attorneys are the professional of choice to turn to in cases of fraud or other criminal offenses, they may also be able to help you with other tax related problems. Understand, however, that not all attorneys that specialize in taxation necessarily specialize in the mitigation of tax problems.

Another way to obtain results is by using a CPA in good standing that specializes in tax problems. Know this, however: most CPA's do not specialize in handling serious tax problems. If you seek out a referral to a CPA to handle serious tax problems, make sure they maintain a track record of success in handling these kind of problems or else you may be putting your trust in to the hands of a professional that may not be able to solve the problem effectively or may need to outsource the solution to another professional that does.

Enrolled Agents are another source of handling tax issues. Enrolled Agents are the only professionals that are federally licensed by the IRS that specialize in tax problem mitigation. Unlike attorneys and CPA's, Enrolled Agents must take continuing education courses every three years to keep their license regardless of where they practice. Moreover, Enrolled Agents, unlike attorneys, do not typically charge by the billable hour thus decreasing the cost, in general, to reach the same result as a tax attorney.

If you are looking for help with taxes make sure you do proper background checks on both the providers of this service both as individuals and on the corporations they represent. If you perform your own due diligence and speak with a handful of providers, you'll be on your way to getting the help you need from a quality professional in no time.

This news article is brought to you by FARM, RANCH - where latest news are our top priority.

Accounting for the Small Business Owner - Where to Begin? Try the Primary Statements

Owners and managers of small businesses often have to be jack of all trades when it comes to running their own business. They need to be experts in their core business of course, be that web design, plumbing, baking, childcare or anything else. But they also need to turn their hand to marketing, administration, sales negotiation and staff recruitment.

Another area where a basic understanding will greatly benefit any business owner or manager is accounting and tax.

Of course, many business owners wisely trust their accounting, tax and vat returns to a suitably qualified accountant.

A quality Accountant should take pride in working with clients whatever their level or desire for understanding financial statements and always take the time to explain financial matters in plain English. It is important for a business owner to find an accountant who they are comfortable with and who will offer a service where they are always available to explain any financial matters that arise during the year.

A business owner or anyone who is thinking of starting a business who doesn't understand the primary financial statements is like an airline pilot who doesn't understand the instrument readouts in the cockpit. He could run the business and land the plane safely, but knowing how to read the vital signs along the way will help his business to flourish.

The starting point for anyone wanting to understand more about accounts would be the three primary financial statements - the Balance Sheet, The Profit and Loss account and the Cash Flow statement.

  1. Balance Sheet - A summary of the financial position of the business at a certain period of time.
  2. In plain English, this is a summary of the assets that you own, money that is owed to you, money that you owe to other people and the cash you have in the bank (or overdraft).
  3. Profit and Loss account - A summary of income and expenditure over a given time period.
  4. In plain English, this is summary of sales, cost of sales (eg purchases of stock) and expenses over a given time period, that when added together determines the Profit (or loss) for that period.
  5. This statement can go by a variety of name such as the income statement, operating statement or earnings statement and is often abbreviated to the P&L Account
  6. Cash flow statement- A summary of cash inflows and cash outflows for a given period. This report can tell the owners of a business how the cash position is developing which can be very useful in the management of a business.

Take note. 'The bottom line' is found in the Profit and Loss account, not the balance sheet.

Transform Accounting. The Essex Accountant

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

10 Reasons to Use an Accountant

Here is my list which I do believe are all very good reasons why you should use an accountant for all of your business accounting needs:

1. An experienced and qualified accountant knows what he/she is doing and understands the accounting framework, concepts and principles which are essential to preparing your annual business accounts.

2. An accountant will have a good knowledge of tax and will be best placed to advise you on what business expenses and tax allowances can be used to reduce your business tax bill.

3. This good tax knowledge can also be used to advise you on the most tax efficient way to pay yourself from your business whilst minimising your personal income tax and national insurance bill.

4. An accountant knows when returns are due to be made to Companies House and to HMRC and will notify you when tax or VAT payments are due. This will help you avoid paying fines to Companies House or HMRC.

5. An accountant will know what VAT payment schemes can be used by small businesses and can advise you on how these schemes can be used to your advantage and save you money. The " Flat Rate Scheme for Small Businesses " is a particular example of a VAT payment scheme that can save you money.

6. An accountant can take care of the administrative work for your business, such as maintaining a PAYE system and calculating income tax and national insurance due on monthly salaries and wages. This will free your time to focus on your key business activities, after all this is why you entered into business.

7. An accountant can ensure your financial records are reliable and free from errors or omissions, resulting in correct and accurate tax calculations and accurate year-end accounts.

8. An accountant can work with you and HMRC should you face a tax investigation. An accountant is always best placed to correspond with the tax inspector and explain the accounting treatment of transactions within your accounts and tax returns.

9. An accountant can advise you of the best way to structure your business, whether this is the sole trader model or setting you up as a limited company, and in the worst case scenario prevent you from losing your house in the event of business failure (insolvency).

10. An accountant can ensure that you keep proper accounting records and advise you on how long to keep these records for. This can will ensure that you avoid paying fines and penalties.

Benefits That An Accountant For A Technology Firm Can Bring To Your Business

It is well known that accountants are useful for businesses to help keep their books in order, taxes filed correctly and all other financial housekeeping matters. But hiring an accountant for your technology firm can also bring other benefits that may not be immediately obvious. Here are a few advantages that one can expect from an accountant for a technology firm.

Help Your Business Set and Define its Goals
Whenever a business first gets off the ground, the goals can be simple and immediate: establish a sustainable business. But once the initial bumps start to be evened out, it is time to evaluate what you want your business to achieve. Because the daily demands of running a business can be so consuming, bringing in an outside expert can help with goal setting. An accountant for a technology firm can bring their financial expertise into this discussion so that goals with realistic expectations of success can be set.

The next step in achieving identified goals is to lay out strategies for reaching them. Once again, an accountant for a it firm can help lead the way in crafting these strategies.

Strategic Planning With an Accountant for a Technology Firm
Not all strategic planning works for every company. In particular, it face unique challenges, such as an ever-changing market and new innovations being introduced into the marketplace. Bringing in an accountant for your firm to help with strategic planning can insure that your strategic plan is in line with your tax and financial strategies as well.

A key part of successful strategic planning is setting budgets for healthy cash flow and profit planning. When you have a clear budget established for your business, it makes all other planning that much easier and effective.

Use an Accountant for Technology Firms to Identify Resources
An evaluation by an accountant for it can help identify those resources that are still viable and those areas that need beefing up. Perhaps your business is doing a good job making use of current staffing, but could do a better job of outsourcing some aspects of the business. An accountant for it could make these suggestions within your technology firm's budget parameters.

Execution of Plans
Too often, firms devote the time and resources to identify their goals and strategies for the continuing success and growth of their business, only to fall short when it comes time to execute those plans. Here is where an accountant for it can bring the process into fruition. Having someone accountable for insuring the firm meets its milestones can mean the difference between success and failure.'

Even successful technology businesses need to invest in methods for increasing profits and business growth. That is why hiring a business consultant can be such a wise investment. But bringing in a consultant with expertise as an accountant for it can provide both traditional accounting services as well as effective strategic planning, performance measurement and execution support.

This news article is brought to you by EMOTIONAL-FREEDOM-TECHNIQUE - where latest news are our top priority.

Is The Service Of A Bookkeeper Needed?

Bookkeeping is the biggest problem for all businesses irrespective of the size and nature of the business. When an individual starts a new business he is determined to save on all possible expenditures including bookkeeping. Soon he realizes that bookkeeping consumes a lot of time that he could have otherwise used for promoting and expanding his business. It not only is time consuming, but a big headache for business people who are new to bookkeeping. That is the reason why more and more businesses are approaching a professional bookkeeper to take care of their bookkeeping.

Is the service of a bookkeeper needed?

Tough competition prevails in the business world. It is not a cakewalk to survive the competition and to earn profits. To earn profits every businessman should cut all unnecessary expenditures. Is the service of a bookkeeper needed? Can this expenditure be saved? To know the answer to this question the benefits of hiring a bookkeeper should be known.

What are the benefits of hiring a bookkeeper?

1. What is the first and foremost objective of a business? To earn profits is the main aim of every business. How can you know if you are earning profits or not? Bookkeeping is the right tool to reveal the amount of profit earned. The numbers should be entered correctly to know the actual financial position of a company. Wrong entry of figures or omission of a transaction will not show the actual profit or loss. Professional bookkeeper is experienced in bookkeeping and he can maintain bookkeeping more effectively. Minor mistakes made in bookkeeping can turn out to be very costly mistakes. The services of a bookkeeper are needed to avoid costly mistakes.

2. Some business people feel that it is better to train one of their own employees in bookkeeping rather than hiring a professional bookkeeper. They feel that this is cost saving. Are you one among them? If so, you are absolutely wrong. Training a staff can be more costly and more time consuming.

3. Hiring a bookkeeper reduces a lot of stress. You need not worry about data backup, updating bookkeeping software, indemnity insurance, BAS due dates and compliance with the industry. All these responsibilities are delegated to the bookkeeper.

4. Budgeting and sticking to budgets are important for the success of a business. A well formulated budget helps to save expenditure and increase income. When a bookkeeper becomes familiar with your business, he can provide valuable expertise guidance in planning budgets.

5. A professional bookkeeper would provide assistance in financing, pricing, marketing, IT and financial advice. This results in the overall efficiency of the business.

6. When you hire a professional bookkeeper you will have no more worries about late lodgement of BAS, wrong invoicing, incorrect coding of GST and wrong claiming of GST.

It is clear that hiring a bookkeeper is certainly beneficial to a business. You are relieved from the hassles of bookkeeping. You can concentrate on production and marketing. You need not worry about the boring figures. Is this not good news to all business men who dread numbers and bookkeeping? Make use of the specialized skills of the bookkeepers for the efficient running of business. Make sure you find the best bookkeeper who is experienced, efficient, familiar with requirements of modern bookkeeping and above all honest.

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

Differences Between Nonprofit Accounting and Commercial Accounting

Accounting is a topic that is widely discussed in the business world. And this is no surprise, as businesses need to have ways to keep track of how much money they receive and how much they spend. They need to show their stakeholders that they are indeed profitable. Accounting is also an important issue for all kinds of nonprofit organizations. However, nonprofit accounting goes far beyond just tracking the amount of donations received. There are several differences between commercial accounting for businesses and accounting for nonprofit organizations, also called "fund accounting."

While the main objective of a business is to generate profit for its owners, a nonprofit organization needs to show its stakeholders, such as the donors, that the money they are given is well spent. This is why accountability and transparency is emphasized in the case of non profits.

Unlike in traditional business accounting, non profits use more than one general ledger, or fund. This is because there are often restrictions as to what can be done with certain funds. For example, in the case of an organization that provides aid to victims of natural disasters, there could be campaigns where donations are collected to provide relief to people of a particular geographic region. Therefore, donations obtained during this campaign would need to be segregated from all other funds, to ensure that donor restrictions are being followed accurately.

An organization could also receive an endowment, which is funds that would need to be kept intact, either perpetually, or until a certain date. Again, another accounting fund would need to be created which will keep track of the endowment fund and serve to ensure that the money is not being spent contrary to the restrictions.

In nonprofit accounting, a report would need to be periodically prepared for each of the funds in question, which will detail all revenues that come in and all expenses made. There would also be a general report made of all the organization's financial activities across every fund that it holds.

There are various ways to do nonprofit accounting for an organization. Some larger organizations hire the services of a group of professional accountants, which will keep track of all revenues and expenses for the different funds according to the principles of fund accounting. Smaller organizations could do their accounting in house, with the use of specialized accounting software that has been made to meet the needs of nonprofit groups.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You May Need a Good Accounting Service More Than You Think

If you're self employed and running your own business, one of the most important things to do is keep your financial information in good order, perhaps by taking on the assistance of an accounting service. For many people, their main problem with maintaining their accounts is a combination of inexperience and the sheer lack of time. This is why working with a professional accountancy firm is advised; they'll let you focus on your business while keeping the books straight.

The sign of a quality accountancy firm

A good accountancy firm will be able to reassure you from the very beginning of your relationship and should be able to provide answers to any questions you may have. As you'll be working closely with your own dedicated accountant, fostering a good relationship is important, so you should never be afraid to ask for information about anything. Many firms make sure their staff members are happy to work around you too; after all, you're doing everything you can to make your business a success so may not be able to meet up during regular working hours.

To make your life even easier, many firms also offer their clients an all in one package that covers many aspects for a flat monthly fee. This range of services will vary between different accountancy firms, but you can generally expect them to assist you with your personal taxation, monthly and year end accounts and completion of paperwork. You can also expect to have pretty much unlimited access to your personal accountant; very useful if you get a call out of the blue from the tax office.

Who should be using an accounting service?

Everyone can benefit from working with a professional accounting service, from independent contractors to company owners. In fact, if you're looking to form your own company, there are no better people to speak to. They'll be able to advise you on the whole process from start to finish, including helping you register with Companies House and even sorting out payroll on your behalf.

Setting up and running a business or striking out on your own is a big decision to make and you'll want to make a success of your venture. That you'll be doing absolutely everything you can to make it work is a given, but why not also give yourself the advantage of having a good accounting service by your side? Selecting the right accountancy firm could be the difference between sinking and swimming, so choose wisely.

This news article is brought to you by EXOTIC PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Five Good Reasons Why Small Business Software Is Essential In UK Micro Businesses

Using an automated accounting system can deliver many benefits. You might think it costs a lot to automate your accounting records and of course there is usually an initial cost, but if you use the application well you can actually help to accelerate the growth of your business. How? Your company can make a good program work for you. You can make your business more efficient by cutting down on accounting time and spending those hours saved on going out to develop leads etc. Once you have updated your systems and have used that time saved to attract more customers you can then offer a faster service to those clients. For instance in some systems invoices can be generated super fast from within the system and even emailed out for speed, whilst cutting postage costs too. A fast and efficient service helps nurture customer loyalty which in turns helps improve the return on your investment.

Another benefit that is realised from using an automated accounting application is that mistakes are often less likely to happen. Calculations should be done instantly by the program. Any application should store the documents that it creates too. You should also be able to save reports. Errors in manually created invoices can cause a delay in delivering your goods or services. It can also annoy your customers. A good accounting system should minimise such errors. So inaccuracies should be scaled-down significantly thus enhancing your customers' experience. Furthermore this type of efficiency should result in good accounting records, which show a transparent audit trail that adds up.

Thirdly any accounting procedure is quite cumbersome when done manually. A small business would very likely be compelled to hire extra workers to carry out any such physical documentation process. However, when you automate the books, the number of employees required to work in the accounts department can be considerably reduced. Indeed it could be just you. Moreover, automation in accounting reduces paper documents, which take up a lot of storage space. Of course when you use less paper you are also supporting the environment. We are all striving to go green.

My fourth point is all about reporting. Seeing real time information about business performance is essential for small and large businesses alike. Using a computerised accounting system should definitely improve your hold on the underlying trends of the company. Are you making a profit? Do you have enough funds in the bank? You should also be able to see who owes monies to the business at a glance. Now you can simply track customers you owe money to as well as any late payers. This reduces the chance of some of your customers not paying for the services and goods that you have supplied to them.

My fifth point concerns how the use of an automated accounting system can enhance your compliance with any legal entities. Using bookkeeping software, provided you keep all your data up to date of course, you should be able to produce account statements, VAT returns and so forth instantly. Some packages go one step further and let you submit your VAT returns to HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) straight from the program. This can avert penalties for late payment.

Tax Tips For Horse Business Disruptions in the Thoroughbred Industry

It's fair to say that the past few years have thrown up some enormous challenges to anyone trying to run a primary production business in regional Australia.

These challenges go beyond financial and economic upheavals such as the GFC, the stronger dollar and constant volatility on global share markets. What I'm talking about are the dreaded "natural disasters" that periodically disrupt the businesses of primary producers, e.g. viruses, droughts, floods and bushfires.

It's not well known that our tax laws contain concessions that help victims of these disruptions to cope financially through these difficult periods. It makes the job of an Accountant that little bit more rewarding when we can pass on and apply these concessions, too.

This article will outline and discuss the concessions and a few tax tips that I consider most relevant for horse owners and breeders caught up in these circumstances. Even if you can't use them when preparing your 2011 tax return, I'm hoping you can tell a friend or two who needs some welcome good news after all that nature has thrown up to him or her recently.

1. Insurance Recoveries for loss of livestock can be spread over 5 years

If a taxation breeder receives an insurance recovery for a loss of ''live stock'' or for a loss of trees by fire, the tax act provides the breeder with an election to spread the assessment of that income over five years. However, the election is available only if the relevant live stock or trees are held as assets of a ''primary production business''.

N.B. This concession is not available to those who conduct a "stand-alone" racing activity, without any associated breeding.


Peter has his breeding property in Toowoomba and lost his prized broodmare in the recent QLD floods.

The mare was insured for $200,000 and these proceeds were duly received in March 2011. Peter's cash-flow has been severely affected by the floods and he has little appetite for paying tax on this income until he can get some yearlings to the sales in the next few years.

To lessen the tax impact, Peter elects to spread his insurance recovery over 5 years, i.e. $200,000/5 yrs = $40,000 p.a. Accordingly, $40,000 was returned in FY 2011 and in each of the next four tax years.

2. Insurance received re destruction of a building is treated as capital proceeds

Many business related buildings were been destroyed as a result of the recent floods, bushfires etc.

The insurance recovered as a result of these occurrences are not returned as income in the year received, instead they are treated as the capital proceeds on the disposal of these assets.

Where an asset, or part of an asset is lost or destroyed, any proceeds received by a taxpayer under an insurance policy in respect of the loss or destruction are taken to be amounts of money received "as a result of or in respect of" the disposal of the asset or part of that asset. N.B. If an asset, or part of an asset was acquired before 20 September 1985, no part of the proceeds received in relation to that asset or part of that asset, would be subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT).

Similarly, where a motor vehicle is lost or destroyed, any insurance recovery will be consideration in respect of the disposal of that motor vehicle, and so not subject to CGT.


A breeding company acquires ownership of a newly constructed building on 1 July 1986.

The cost base of the building is $10 million and the building is treated as a separate asset for CGT purposes.

The building was subsequently destroyed by fire and the breeder lodged a claim under an insurance policy. At the time of acquisition, the taxpayer entered into an insurance agreement that would cover the taxpayer for the replacement cost of the building. The replacement cost at date of destruction is $18 million.

The insurance payout of $18 million is taken to be the consideration on disposal of the building and, thus, is not 100% assessable in the year received.

"Roll-over relief" under section the CGT act may be available where a replacement asset is acquired with the insurance proceeds, i.e. the CGT cost base of the replacement asset is reduced by the profit on disposal of the building. In the above scenario, the profit would be $8 million ($18 million insurance proceeds less $10 million cost base)

3. Insurance received for assets that are part of a "Small Business Depreciation Pool"

Many smaller breeders claim depreciation using the small business depreciation pool.

For the record, a Small Business Entity (SBE) is a tax business with generally less than $2m aggregated turnover p.a.

If in the event of insurance received for the destruction of assets, note:

  • The pool balance is reduced by the extent of insurance received. Thus a profit or loss on the items destroyed need not be made when the insurance is received; and

  • If the sum of the insurance received of assets disposed of during the income year exceeds the pool closing balance for the year, the excess is subject to taxation.


Janet the breeder lost valuable sheds in the 2009 VIC bushfires.

The closing depreciation pool balance of her business at 30 June 2009, was $12,500. Insurance received for her sheds was $30,000. Accordingly, $17,500 ($30,000 less $12,500) is taxable income to the business in the FY 2009.

4. Assets subject to "Roll-Over Relief" due to destruction

As noted above in a CGT context, "Roll-over relief" occurs where profits on disposal of assets, e.g. where insurance proceeds exceed the written-down value of asset, can be deferred. In relation to a business asset, this is where the profit is offset against the cost of the replacement asset, instead of being declared as income immediately.

In short, yes, a breeder is able to obtain roll-over relief for an asset which was involuntarily destroyed by fire, flood etc. provided the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The asset was not a pooled asset under the "Small Business Entity" (SBE) regime or as part of a low-value pool for non-SBE taxpayers; and
  • The taxpayer acquires a replacement asset within the required times


Big Breeder Pty Ltd, who does not qualify as a "Small Business Entity", had a float destroyed in the Victorian floods of 2011.

Insurance proceeds received in FY 2011 was $20,000, the written-down value of the float at time of destruction was $5,000, thus a profit on disposal of $15,000 was realised.

A replacement float was acquired for $30,000, within only 3 months of the event, well within the 12 month required time frame, which commences on 30 June 2011.

Instead of Big Breeder having to declare the $15,000 as a profit in FY 2011, what it does instead is to reduce the cost base of the new depreciable asset to $15,000 ($30,000 cost less $15,000 profit on the destroyed asset).

5. Assets that can be written-off immediately

In many instances, business plant and equipment is not insured and no proceeds are received.

Where this occurs, the tax "written-down" value of the asset can be immediately written-off, this being an immediate deduction in the tax year this occurs.

However, it should be noted that only a "non-SBE" can take advantage of this concession as they are not be eligible to use "pooling" for their business assets.


Big Breeder Pty Ltd chooses not to insure any of its "on-farm" motor bikes.

All of these bikes were "written-off" as unrecoverable after the VIC floods.

The tax written-down value of its bikes at the date of destruction was $25,000. As no insurance was received, an immediate $25,000 deduction can be claimed for these assets in that tax year.

6. "Loss of income" insurance is assessable to the breeder

Where insurance payments are received to replace lost income, the proceeds are assessable to the breeder (e.g. business interruption insurance which generally provides cash flow until business profits reach what they were before the fire. flood etc.).

7. Dealing with the destruction of trading stock

a) Can a horse be written-off if no proceeds received?

A breeder is entitled to claim a deduction for the cost of trading stock destroyed.

The deduction is obtained via the movement in the opening and closing stock provision.

b) Tax profits from "forced" disposal of stock

Under the tax act, where a primary production business is forced to dispose of or destroy livestock, the breeder may be entitled to concessional treatment in relation to any resulting tax profit, as follows:

  • spread the tax profits over 5 income year; or
  • defer the tax profit and offset it against the cost of replacement stock over the subsequent 5 income years.

This relief relates to the forced sale of livestock, and differs to the relief re spreading insurance recoveries over 5 years, which relates to the death of livestock.

However, this election will not be available where the business is sold following the natural disaster.

Example - spreading the tax profit

Breedco's yearlings have to be destroyed because of the recent Hendra virus.

The insurance proceeds of the forced disposal are $250,000 and the tax profit is $150,000. Breedco elects to spread the tax profit over five years. Breedco's assessable income in the disposal year includes an amount of $130,000 in respect of the disposal. This amount is arrived at by reducing the proceeds of $250,000 by the tax profit of $150,000 and adding an amount of $30,000 (i.e. 20% of the tax profit of $150,000). For each of the four income years following the disposal year, Breedco must include an amount of $30,000 in its assessable income.

c) Closing stock value method can be altered

The golden rule of stock accounting is that opening stock should always equal closing stock and nothing has changed in this regard.

However, this does not stop a breeder from changing the year end accounting stock valuation method.

For instance, if market selling value has been used in the past, this can be altered to use either the special "write-off" or "cost" closing stock valuation methods. This strategy would help immensely in reducing taxable income in a particular tax year, something that would be most welcome if you've been a victim of a natural disaster.


Stockco was severely affected by a new outbreak of EI virus that swept through the Hunter Valley, leading to many of its prized yearlings being withdrawn from the 2012 Easter sales. However, good money was made on foals sold at the earlier Magic Millions QLD sales. Tax profit for the year is $350,000.

Without the cash-flow from the Easter sales, Stockco requires options to reduce its tax profit for FY 2012. Martin the accountant finds that many of the mares have been valued @ market value as at 30 June 2011. By valuing these mares @ cost as at 30 June 2012, the closing stock value of the mares is reduced by $150,000 and tax profit is also reduced by this amount to $200,000 ($350,000 less $150,000).

8. Issues re withdrawing funds from a Farm Management Deposit (FMD)

The FMD provisions are contained in the tax act and broadly enable an eligible taxpayer to defer the income tax on taxable primary production (breeding) income from the income year in which a FMD deposit is made (i.e. a deduction is available for such a deposit) until the FMD deposit is repaid (i.e. this amount is included in taxable income in the year of withdrawal).

However, a FMD deposit (or part thereof) loses its status as a FMD where it is withdrawn within 12 months of the deposit date. In these circumstances, a partial withdrawal of an FMD means that only the residual deposit amount qualifies as an FMD, provided the remaining amount is $1,000 or more and provided that it stays in the account for at least 12 months.

The implication for a FMD withdrawn within 12 months is the no deduction is available for the deposit (and taxpayers will need to request an amended assessment where this rule effects a deduction claimed in the prior income year).

TAX TIP - Farm Management Deposits withdrawn in exceptional circumstances

However, as an exception to this, a deposit retains it status as an FMD even if it is withdrawn within 12 months where the taxpayer is in an area the Minister Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has declared an "exceptional circumstances"' area. In this regard, FMD deposit holders have until three months after the year of income of the withdrawal to obtain an "exceptional circumstances"' certificate from the relevant state authority.


Vanessa is a Victorian breeder who has a long history as a successful breeder and in the FY 2008 made $450,000 profit from her activities.

To reduce her breeding profit for FY 2008, before year end she deposits $200,000 under the FMD scheme, this reducing her taxable income to $250,000 ($450,000 less $200,000).

Only a few months later, the bushfires destroy her property and she now has urgent need for part of that $200,000 FMD cash to help her in the rebuilding process.

Accordingly, she withdraws $100,000 of her FMD in March 2009.

Under the general FMD rules, she must go back to the ATO and reduce her 2008 FMD deduction by $100,000, increasing her 2008 taxable income to $350,000.

However, as the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has declared her breeding property to be in an "exceptional circumstances"' area, and she has obtained her certificate within 3 months of the end of the tax year, she is still eligible to claim that $100,000 withdrawal is a deduction in 2008. This $100,000 withdrawal is declared as income in FY 2009, the year of withdrawal.

You are welcome to contact me if you wish me to clarify or expand upon any of the matters raised in this article.

This news article is brought to you by CROSS-CULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 1, 2012

How Small Business Accounting Software Can Help Smooth The Operations Of A Business

Small business bookkeeping software is basically designed to help any small company owner out there to run their business without some of the stress normally associated with keeping company records e.g. it should help them to keep an eye on how the funds are doing and make lost records a thing of the past. It should also maintain a running balance of all the monies in and out.

We can go ahead and define small accounts software packages as computer based applications that incorporate vital business features like cash flows. Thus micro business bookkeeping software provides a way for people to manage a company's cash flow easily, as well as see other financial data at a glance.

One of the main reasons determining whether a business succeeds or fails is the way its finances are organised. This is because apart from of course providing services or goods to clients, businesses exist to make a profit. If the profit is not made the business can start to go into debt rather than create wealth and increase its assets. This is why some companies always remain at the top of their league while others struggle year after year to just maintain their basic operations.

There are a number of ways in which a good accounting program can help the small business perform optimally. It should make accounting transparent and provide a clear audit trail that is available more or less instantly. The traditional way of storing financial information e.g. using cash books, can lead to the need to pay for storage for all the physical documents. Furthermore hours can be wasted searching through the paper trail. With small business accounting software, this type of activity is avoided. You should be able to generate reports and see electronic copies of documents and print them out again if necessary at any time. A good application should reduce audit related frustrations since the records can be retrieved just by the click of a button.

In summary, bookkeeping software programs were designed to help a business keep full records of all its operations. You should also be able to see, at any time, where you stand financially (provided you keep your data entry up to date of course). This is one of the most important benefits of small business accounting software because a business that is aware of its net worth balance at all times is able to plan ahead in a smart way therefore maximising its available resources to achieve its goals. One of the main reasons why so many people fail in their micro business is because they do not know exactly where they stand financially. As a result of this they tend to overstate or understate their financial position which in the end leads to poor use of their available resources.

This news article is brought to you by FISHING - where latest news are our top priority.